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The Problems with CRISPR/Cas in Animals

Animals, us, and our environment deserve better.

Invasive Procedures

The surgical process necessary for gene-editing an animal is most often intensely invasive, requiring procedures to be done on sensitive parts of animals’ bodies and usually with no anesthesia[19].

Animal Exploitation

Xenotrasnplant, or the transplant of gene-edited animal organs onto humans, places human interests first at the painful and deadly cost of other animals, using them purely for anthropocentric (human-centered) exploitation[20].

Factory Farming

Mass numbers of animals are required for the research and development of gene-editing technologies, which encourages cruel and harmful factory farming. Gene-editing is also being used to enhance and expand factories at the detriment of the animals in them[19].

Environmental Disaster

Further expansion of factory farming will increase the environmental cost of these farms, as pollution and emissions ravage the space around these factories[12]. CRISPR-based gene drives can also collapse entire food chains and ecosystems[6].

Human Danger

Lack of regulation on CRISPR-edited meats threatens to let unsafe products enter the market[18]. Expansion of factory farming also will lead to more labor exploitation as farmers often become the second victims of the factory farming industry[11].

And More…

CRISPR can produce severe unpredictable side-effects as the genome of animals has yet to be fully understood[15].

And all these dimensions of our life, including our pleasure and pain, our enjoyment and suffering, our satisfaction and frustration, our continued existence or our untimely death—all make a difference to the quality of our life as lived, as experienced, by us as individuals. As the same is true of … animals … they too must be viewed as the experiencing subjects of a life, with inherent value of their own.”

Tom Reagan


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